Thursday, July 21, 2016

Another poem

This was going to be a short story, but somehow it turned into a poem... I never thought of myself as a poet.

To Catch a Dream 

She cast a line into the sea to try to catch a dream;
Instead she caught a thrashing world,
glistening blue and red and green.
Out of the salty depths from which it had been submerged,
for forty days and forty nights it flowed and weaved,

She held the glowing world in her hand’s palm
and listened to the rumors of ghosts
and the throbbing of its heart’s calm.
The world, in its turn, cast off the shadows and the doubt,
revved up its spirit, Life, and warmed the
            healing balm.

She wore the world close to her heart
upon a silver string;
kept its secrets for herself and whispered
her innocent tales of cabbages and kings.
Nature’s bounty sparked and bloomed and showed the world
in tresses of newborn Spring.

She modeled the world upon her breast
in her changeling years,
and loved a boy who broke her heart,
that honest Puck, that maker of tears.
The world convulsed and burst with songs of faith and hope,
            dispelling shadows of offense and fears.

She carried the world upon her brow
            set in a golden crown,
and beside her strolled the shining vows,
burnt with the fires of her eyes.
They followed her wing glides in the clouds
            and framed her fearful symmetry. 

Upon the twilight of the her days
            When the stars began to fade,
the world pulsed bright in the darkening sky
            and then began to serenade
the flights of lore, the tales of yore,
            and the perfume of life’s bouquet.

She walked the well-trodden road to sea
            with the world curled in her hand,
and with the wisdom of her feet
            by way of the footprints in the sand.
To the world she whispered, go gentle into that
            good night, and returned it from the land.

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